Smarter study habits: get things done. Fast.

Want to get MORE done in LESS time?

Who wouldn’t, right?

Discover the art and science of getting productive, so you can get through your work in record time.

Choose from my recommended productivity tools and resources, best blog articles and podcast episodes.

The only question is: what are you going to do with all that extra free time?! 😉

BTW… if you ever need more personalised guidance with productive study habits, click here to learn more about my 1:1 coaching. I’d be glad to help.

Study Habits

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Goal Setting For Students: 7 Top Tips For Setting The RIGHT Goals

Goal Setting For Students: 7 Top Tips For Setting The RIGHT Goals

Goal setting. It's one of those tasks that's easy to procrastinate on: it can be difficult to really confront what you want out of life. But, if you can summon the courage to sit down and get thinking, then goal settting can build your study motivation - and even be...

51 PROVEN Study Tips For Students (That Work Like A Charm For 2025)

51 PROVEN Study Tips For Students (That Work Like A Charm For 2025)

I'm a memory psychologist and study productivity expert, and have taught thousands of students how to study more effectively over the years. These are nothing more or less than the 51 all-time BEST simple, science-backed tips, tricks and hacks to help you remember...

7 Magical Holiday Study Tips For 2021

7 Magical Holiday Study Tips For 2021

Got study plans this Christmas? You’re not alone. Whether you’re writing coursework, reading for a dissertation, or revising for exams, you and millions of other students around the world are preparing to get a bit of studying done this holiday season. Getting the...

Can Music Really Help You Study? Busting The Myths!

Can Music Really Help You Study? Busting The Myths!

When I’m doing talks in schools, there’s one question I get asked more than any other: “can I listen to music when I’m studying”? So it's time to dig into the issue: does music help you study, or is it just going to distract you? Prefer to listen? You can enjoy this...

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Apps and services to boost focus and train habits

  • Apps to block distractions and help you focus on your work: Freedom (paid, with free trial Windows, Mac, iPhone), Cold Turkey (free, optional paid upgrade, Windows, Mac, Android), Rescue Time (paid, with free trial – PC, Mac, Android, Linux)
  • Apps to take control of your inbox: Boomerang (great free option, with paid upgrade if you really want – Gmail and Android), Right Inbox (Gmail)
  • Apps to build strong habits: Habitca to turn habit-building into a game (free, with paid upgrade), Beeminder to create strong incentives to stay on track (free if you stick to your goals – otherwise pay penalties!)
  • Forest app for Pomodoro timing + distraction blocking on your phone

Gadgets to help manage your time

Recommended books

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