Mindset mastery: get motivated, keep your cool
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Noticing the stress levels creeping up?
Take a deep breath…
… You’re in the right place.
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You’ll be back on track in no time.
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Featured Articles
How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Studying With 6 Easy Strategies
As an expert study coach, “how to stop procrastinating” (and start studying again!) is one of the topics I get asked about the most. Because, let’s face it, procrastination affects everyone, not just students! So let's break the procrastination cycle and get you back...
Growth Mindset: Why Everyone Should Develop One
The mindset you have going through life is important. The goal: a mindset that bouys you up and propels you forward to ever greater heights: a growth mindset. So to help you achieve just that, we’re going to explore what a growth mindset is, how to develop one and how...
Why Study? 17 Reasons & Benefits To Inspire & Motivate You
Have you ever had a day when you’ve thought: “Why on earth am I studying this?", perhaps "Why not give up now?", or even simply "I don't know how to start” ... Everyone has days like these. And that's OK, it happens. The important thing is not to let it drag you down...
29 ULTIMATE Study Motivation Strategies – Backed By Science
Sometimes, finding that elusive study motivation can be hard work. Some days you’ve got it, some days you're panicky, overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Take a deep breath. And read on for our ULTIMATE GUIDE to student motivation. This isn’t just another set...
The 24 Brilliant Benefits Of Meditation For Students (Backed By SCIENCE)
I wholeheartedly endorse meditation for students. Decades of scientific research have shown that meditation has an wealth of benefits: ranging from sharper concentration to better memory, and from stress relief to improved mental health. Meditation has been shown to...
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Useful tools
- Anxious right now? Hit the panic button to read some calming advice.
- Get more help: list of services worldwide, including numbers you can call.
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