
Exam Study Expert isn’t just about teaching the science learning. We help to discover it, too.

We’re at the forefront of new science on how to study smarter, not harder, and how to make the leap from old, inefficient ways of working to the new ways.

Read more about our flagship research projects here:

    The 2020 Revision Census

    In the Spring of 2020, we surveyed an unprecedented 30,000 students on how they revise for their exams, the largest study of its kind ever undertaken.

    We ran the research in collaboration with the world-renowned Washington Memory Lab, and wanted to test whether “best practice” learning strategies are in fact common practice among school students.

    2020 results under analysis, but plans already under consideration to re-run and expand the survey in future years.

    Making It Stick

    We’ve designed an ingenious year-round intervention, based on established cognitive psychology and new learnings from the 2020 Revision Census. It promises to dramatically boost student motivation and retention – in just 5-10 minutes per day.

    Throughout the 20/21 academic year, we’ll be working with a select group of schools to put it to the test. If it works as expected, we can’t think of an easier (and cheaper) way to so substantially raise student attainment (and even enjoyment!).

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