Exam Study Expert Podcast

The podcast that helps you learn faster, study smarter and ace your exams smile

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Send me your productivity tips, win prizes!

Please submit your tip(s) by Sunday 26th Nov, 8pm UK time (3pm Eastern time)

I’m preparing a mini-series on productivity for the podcast, and want to do a crowd-sourced episode on your favourite productivity tips.

Productivity is useful output per unit time, in other words, it means getting through your tasks more efficiently.

What helps you avoid distractions? How do you set up your workspace for success? Are there any tools and software and apps you use to stay on track? Little rituals or habits? Tricks or systems for organising your time or routines?

I’m especially looking for tips that are:

  • Your BEST productivity tip – a strategy that’s made a big difference for you
  • Your slightly WEIRD productivity tip – something that’s a bit different or unusual
  • And tips that use AI (e.g. ChatGPT) in some way to help you study more efficiently

There’s a hard cap of 5 mins per message, but I’d suggest aiming for 2-3 mins or less in most cases.

💸 EVERYONE who sends in a tip will receive $10 in “store credit” to spend on any of my self-study courses (I already have one course priced at $9, with another coming out next week, so you could get yourself a totally free course if you wanted!).

🏆 TWO tip contributors will win the grand prize, their choice of EITHER a live 1:1 coaching session with me, or 3 months Study Smarter Network access. One of these two winners will be chosen at random (so everyone’s in with a chance), and one will be my pick for my favourite tip of all.

3️⃣ You can submit up to THREE separate tips per person, one for each category above (BEST / WEIRD / AI) – please submit each one as a fresh separate voicenotes each time, not all in the same voicenote. Each separate voicenote you submit with a tip earns you $10 store credit (so max $30 per person) and one entry to the draw for the grand prize (so max three entries per person).

Thank you for sharing your tip!

Register your interest in a "student story" or "takeover" episode

How would YOU like to have your very own episode on the Exam Study Expert podcast? I’m always on the lookout for scholars like you to join me on the show, either to:

🤗 a. Share their “student story” – what’s working for you, challenges you’ve overcome, etc. It’s a fun opportunity to tell your story, and how you’ve got to where you are today. I’m quite good at interviewing and making you look good, so don’t be shy! It’s not at all scary, it’s just like having a chat.

🎙 b. Host a “takeover” episode – fancy your hand taking the reins as guest host for an episode, and grilling me about a topic you think people would find interesting? Then a “takeover” episode is for you! I LOVE being asked questions, so put me on the spot!

If you’ve got an inkling you might like to do this, I’d highly encourage you to go for it! Most people when they write to me about these kinds of opportunities are all like “oh, I don’t know if you’d be especially interested…” and normally, I AM interested! Pop your details in the form below:

Register your interest today

15 + 3 =

overcome imposter syndrome by celebrating with your friends

Get a shout out on the Exam Study Expert podcast

You can ask for a shout out:

  • To celebrate a recent good result – you passed an exam, etc


a. what exam / qualification you were working on

b. any details of your result you’d like to share (specific mark, grade, or simply “pass”)

c. if you’ve been a podcast listener, was there any advice in particular that helped you? Share it in your message, to help inspire others!

  • To wish you good luck for an upcoming exam or assignment deadline


a. what exam / qualification you are working on

b. any relevant dates (e.g. when is the exam – rough dates are fine)

  • OR you can get us to wish a friend / family member good luck


a. what exam / qualification they are working on

b. any relevant dates (e.g. when is the exam – rough dates are fine)

c. their name

Submit a shout-out request today

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