Sixth Form Success Secrets:

A Guide For Y12 Parents

November 21st 2024, 7pm

Live webinar exclusively for Leighton Park Year 12 parents

Register below to confirm your place.

A Zoom link will be sent to you at the email address provided.

    Your email address will only be used to deliver information about the workshop on November 21st.

    Discover how to survive and thrive in Year 12 and beyond, with answers to the most common questions Year 12 parents have about their child’s academic journey from staying consistent to effective prioritisation to managing stress when the pressure is on.

    Year 12 is a key time in your child’s development towards a fully-fledged adult scholar, and increasingly involves juggling multiple priorities, from navigating the step-up to A level academic work to increasingly ambitious extracurricular interests to application processes for the next steps of their journey beyond school.

    Learn the secrets of success in this highly actionable training session specifically for parents of Year 12 students.

    William Wadsworth

    With William Wadsworth, Cambridge educated memory psychologist and founder of Exam Study Expert, whose advice reaches well over 1,000,000 students every single year through their bestselling books, blog, and leading study skills podcast.

    His own obsession with exam success started early: he holds 10A* grades at GCSE, 6 A grades at A level and a First Class degree from Cambridge University. He is now focused on supporting the next generation of scholars reach their individual potential.

    He is an active researcher, and runs the world’s largest survey on effective learning habits in action, the Revision Census, with over 50,000 student responses to date.

    William has spoken at numerous conferences about the science of learning for teachers, including ResearchED and BERA and has been featured as exam prep expert numerous times by The Times

    “Very very helpful! Thank you!”

    “Thanks super useful.”

    “Thank you – so interesting and useful”

    “Thank you, much food for thought.”

    “Thank you so much. Very informative.”

    “Thank you, that was so useful.”

    “Thank you. Really interesting.”

    Unprompted feedback from attendees on a recent parents' webinar

    Sixth Form Success Secrets:

    A Guide For Y12 Parents

    November 21st 2024, 7pm

    Live webinar exclusively for Leighton Park Year 12 parents

    Register below to confirm your place.

    A Zoom link will be sent to you at the email address provided.

      Your email address will only be used to deliver information about the workshop on November 21st.