As an expert exam coach, I find that every year many clients ask me “but what should I really be doing the day before my exams?”. So, I’ve pulled together all my best advice on how to handle that scary last day before an exam. This is a short and sweet article, packed...
Studying for exams isn’t a walk in the park. Most students find the endless revision and thoughts of exam day pretty stressful. But don’t worry. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, keep reading to find out exactly how to reduce your exam season anxiety...
You spend hours studying. But how much thought do you actually give to the strategies you’ll use as you take your test or exam? Give a little thought to the techniques you’ll follow in the test itself, and you can have a massive impact on your exam results, no...
Exam-taking season can be a stressful time: anxiety in the build-up, nerves and jitters on the day of the big tests. It’s a lot to handle for any student. So I’m here to help: with six of my favourite practical strategies that can help you cope with the...
The best way to learn is smarter, not harder. And you can easily make that change, today, with these 28 cunning study and exam hacks! With only a few small tweaks to your study habits, you’ll have increased your productivity, improved your memory and streamlined...