Let’s dive into my “all-time most-asked questions” list and tackle the thorny issue of how many hours you should be studying for each day. As an expert study coach there are LOTS of questions I get asked frequently, from whether it’s OK to listen to music while...
I had a long car journey the other day, and used it listen to the audiobook for The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It makes for pretty interesting reading (or listening), and it set me thinking about the habits of effective students. The Seven Habits of...
As a student or professional you’ll come across many different note-taking methods and strategies, but one of the most popular (for good reason!) is the Cornell Notes method. So what’s it all about? We’re going to explore how Cornell notes work, what the benefits are,...
Effective note-taking is one of the most important skills to master as a (new) university or college student – or at any stage of your academic career! So you need a good note-taking strategy. Why bother nailing down a proven, effective note-taking method? Taking...
The best way to learn is smarter, not harder. And you can easily make that change, today, with these 28 clever study and exam hacks! Trust me, these study hacks contain all the best, most cunning, secret tricks and shortcuts you can use to: Increase your productivity...