Whether you’re a seasoned journal-keeper with a stack of filled notebooks by your desk, or a complete beginner about to crack open a crisp new journal … the truth is, sometimes inspiration just doesn’t strike. You don’t know what to journal about. So, to help you get...
Proofreading: it’s the final hurdle on your race to the submission deadline, and a crucial step in creating a polished document. But how exactly do you proofread effectively and efficiently? Whether you’re working on an essay, thesis, dissertation, research paper or...
Journal writing is a great tool for people of all ages. And for teens, it can be the perfect way to explore yourself and the world around you as everything you know changes. So, to help you get past those blank page, no-thoughts, aaargh moments, we’ve collected 99...
Often the most difficult stage of essay writing is just getting started. You’ve got a blank page, perhaps a jumble of notes, maybe even an outline. But … inspiration isn’t striking, and the words aren’t flowing. So how can you be systematic about starting your essay?...
As a writer, you (hopefully) use paragraphs a lot. They’re fantastic tools for improving the readability of our work. But what is a paragraph when you really get down to it? And how can you write the most effective paragraphs? Let’s find out! Paragraphs: the low down...