Looking for the perfect quick boost to your studying success mindset? We’ve got it: these inspirational quotes from successful people (who were ALL once students just like you!) are guaranteed to motivate you to stick to your goals and aim for the top. So,...
If you’re looking for the greatest ever study playlists to get your stuff DONE… your search is OVER. We bring you nothing short of the all-time best in study music, including: instrumental, electronic, rock, techno, lo-fi, classical, jazz, upbeat, chill...
Looking for some nice upbeat music for studying? Look no more – you have come to the right place! The science is clear: provided it’s not distracting you, music can be pretty helpful for studying. Plug in to these 60+ hours of upbeat music for studying,...
Is Jazz your ideal music for studying? Take a look at our selection of playlists with jazz music for studying, and pick your favourite. The science is clear: provided it’s not distracting you, music can be pretty helpful for studying. Choose from these 100+...
Looking to improve your study habits? How do you change when change is hard? How can students like you or me improve their study habits, and actually make the new habits STICK? The secret is knowing WHAT you want to change and HOW to change it. Prefer to listen? This...
Got study plans this Christmas? You’re not alone. Whether you’re writing coursework, reading for a dissertation, or revising for exams, you and millions of other students around the world are preparing to get a bit of studying done this holiday season. Getting the...