Having the right mindset – a “growth mindset” – to propel you through life is important. And if you’re looking to develop a growth mindset, or nurture one in your children or students, you need the right resources: and an inspirational growth mindset poster could be just the tool you need!

So let’s get inspired:

We know that a good quote is often the perfect encouragement to persevere with your studies and growth mindset journeys. So we’ve created 10 beautiful, printable growth mindset posters, featuring top quotes from influential people.

They’re easy to download and print, provide a powerful motivational boost, and are guaranteed to look great on your classroom or study space wall!

Plus, if you’re enjoying the quotes: you can find all these quotes (and 53 more!) in our ultimate collection of growth mindset quotes.

headshot of Dr Kerri-Anne Edinburgh, Exam Study Expert Editor

By Dr Kerri-Anne Edinburgh, our Cambridge University educated specialist in study skills, mindset, research and writing. As Head Writer and Editor for the popular Exam Study Expert blog since 2021, Kerri has spent over three years immersed in the psychology of learning, ensuring each article is packed with valuable insights, practical tips and helpful graphics.

Article review by William Wadsworth

1.      It’s always wise to choose the mindset that will help you to achieve more

“Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset (those who believe their talents are innate gifts).”

– Carol Dweck, growth mindset pioneer and author of Mindset
Poster of growing plant and Carol Dweck growth mindset quote

2.      Give your kids the gift of growth mindset, and help them learn and grow

“If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.”

– Carol Dweck, growth mindset pioneer and author of Mindset
Adult passing flower to child, with quote about children by Carol Dweck

3.      Remember to embrace the power of infinite possibility

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’.”

– Audrey Hepburn, actress and humanitarian
poster with Audrey Hepburn quote against a space background

4.      You only have one lifetime to learn with: so make the most of it!

“Live as is if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.”

– Mahatma Gandhi, lawyer and political ethicist
poster of Mahatma Gandhi quote and a row of books

5.      Change your mindset: failure is not the outcome

“My dad encouraged us to fail. Growing up, he would ask us what we failed at that week. If we didn’t have something, he would be disappointed. It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying. Don’t be afraid to fail.”

Sara Blakely, American businesswoman and philanthropist
screwed up paper, a blank notebook and a quote about failure by Sara Blakely

6.      When you choose growth mindset, you choose to see the possibilities

“When you’re in a growth mindset, what that means is that you choose to see struggle and challenge as an opportunity for growth and for learning and development.”

– Chris Bertram, Director of Applied Neuroscience at EXOS
growth mindset quote by Chris Bertram and a tiny seedling

7.      Step out of your comfort zone: if it’s easy you’re not learning anything

If we only did things that were easy, we wouldn’t actually be learning anything. We’d just be practicing things we already knew.”

David Dockterman, Lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Education
poster of a silhouetted mountain climber and quote by David Dockterman

8.      Ignite that flame of your abilities and you can travel far

“No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.”

– Carol Dweck, growth mindset pioneer and author of Mindset
Carol Dweck quote about effort, against a black background and a flaming match

9.      Here’s the question: are you willing to work towards your goals?

“The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.”

– Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host, actress and author
poster of a "top secret" stamp and a Oprah Winfrey quote

10.  With a growth mindset, self-belief is wonderous

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

– Theodore Roosevelt, former president of the United States of America
Poster of a long mountain hike and Roosevelt quote

Find more resources here:

If you’d like to learn more about what growth mindset actually is, check out our handy guide to growth mindset (full of actionable tips for developing a growth mindset or nurturing one in your kids and students!).

Enjoyed these growth mindset posters? Why not also explore our full collection of growth mindset quotes? Pro tip: write one out and stick it somewhere visible for a regular motivational boost on your growth mindset journey 😊

And if you’re looking for even more quotes to inspire your studies or encourage your students, we’ve also gathered up the best quotes all about: exam inspiration, overcoming procrastination, making progress, and motivation and exam success!

headshot of Dr Kerri-Anne Edinburgh, Exam Study Expert Editor

By Dr Kerri-Anne Edinburgh, our Cambridge University educated specialist in study skills, mindset, research and writing. As Head Writer and Editor for the popular Exam Study Expert blog since 2021, Kerri has spent over three years immersed in the psychology of learning, ensuring each article is packed with valuable insights, practical tips and helpful graphics.

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