Growth Mindset: Why Everyone Should Develop One

Growth Mindset: Why Everyone Should Develop One

The mindset you have going through life is important. The goal: a mindset that bouys you up and propels you forward to ever greater heights: a growth mindset. So to help you achieve just that, we’re going to explore what a growth mindset is, how to develop one and how...
55 Uplifting Quotes to Encourage Making Progress

55 Uplifting Quotes to Encourage Making Progress

When you’re stuck in the deep, dark trenches of studying … an uplifting quote can be just the trick for a well-timed motivational boost. So let’s let a little light in and rediscover all the progress you’ve made with some inspiring words, like...
The 12 BEST Pomodoro Apps To Boost Your Productivity

The 12 BEST Pomodoro Apps To Boost Your Productivity

Whether you’ve mastered the Pomodoro Method or are new to this popular productivity technique, having the right tool can be essential to staying on track. And, happily, there are a plethora of multi-featured Pomodoro apps out there to help you do just that! We’ve...