The best way to learn is smarter, not harder. And you can easily make that change, today, with these 28 cunning study and exam hacks! With only a few small tweaks to your study habits, you’ll have increased your productivity, improved your memory and streamlined...
Are your study techniques … well, just fine? Probably. But, could you easily upgrade them to effective, science-backed study strategies that will help you remember more, in less time, on your own terms, with far less stress? Definitely. Now, 37 new strategies...
Looking to send your study productivity soaring? Look no further than the Pomodoro Study Method: the wildly popular time-management technique that will help you stay motivated, avoid distractions, stay focused and get more done! Keep reading to find out why it works:...
Spaced repetition (or as it’s more commonly known to memory psychologists, “spaced learning”) is one of the most powerful and flexible of all memory strategies. If you have knowledge to learn for your course, I would consider spaced learning to be a...
Have you ever had a day when you’ve thought: “Why on earth am I studying this?”, perhaps “Why not give up now?”, or even simply “I don’t know how to start” … Everyone has days like these. And that’s OK, it happens. The...