My bookshelf: best study books

There’s some incredible wisdom to be found on my bookshelf.

Listen to some of the BEST tips and tricks to be found in five of my most-loved books about studying and learning.

There’s some incredible wisdom to be found on my bookshelf, from some top-notch authors.

Today, I pick out some of the BEST tips and tricks to be found in five of my most-loved books about studying, learning, study habits, motivation and skills. So you can incorporate the advice into your study routine right away, all without having to do any reading!

These “top five” books are shortlisted from the 21 favourite books about studying and learning I keep on a special bookshelf behind my desk. Browse the full list here.  

If you want to go deeper, you can pick up any of today’s five books:
– Make It Stick  |
– Understanding How We Learn  |
– Redirect  |
– Switch  |
– The Productivity Project  |

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Hosted by William Wadsworth, memory psychologist, independent researcher and study skills coach. I help ambitious students to study smarter, not harder, so they can ace their exams with less work and less stress.

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