Change the way you think with these three mental models: three new mindsets to improve your studying! Discover the power of The Glass, The T-Shape and The Process Flow: 3 handy and flexible mental images I often use to help students plan, prioritise and feel calmer in...
The science of maximum concentration for students: how to focus faster, harder and for longer! With Professor Stefan van der Stigchel, a leading authority on attention. How to concentrate on your studies? I’m going to be talking to one of the world’s leading...
Learn faster and remember more for better grades in less time: Six science-based strategies for success from Dr Yana Weinstein-Jones. Welcome to “Science Of Learning” season on the Exam Study Expert podcast! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be...
Are you working too hard? Overstudying? Just how much studying is too much? Let’s look at the counterintuitive reality of how LESS is MORE when you study SMARTER not HARDER. Are you working too hard? Overstudying? How much studying is too much? We’re all...
James Lang is an author and expert on focus, concentration and distraction. He shares the science of concentration: why focus is hard and how to overcome distraction. Wish you could concentrate harder or for longer?James Lang’s book Distracted took the world of...
Feeling overwhelmed with everthing there is to do in student life, from schoolwork to extra-curriculars? Get back in control with this practical strategy. How to cope when it feels like there’s just too much to get done, and too few hours in the day! This is my...