Join Exam Study Expert’s very own team, Dr Alix Hibble and Dr Kerri Edinburgh: in a discussion of the highs and lows of their PhD experiences.
Join Exam Study Expert’s very own Dr Alix Hibble and Dr Kerri Edinburgh for a candid look at the ups and downs of the PhD experience.
You’ll learn top tips and plenty of PhD advice (with the benefit of hindsight!) on mindset, time management, goal-setting and more.
Plus, why research is awesome!
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As mentioned in this episode:
The Scholar’s Way: our signature mindset programme for students and scholars of all kinds:
Kerri’s article on imposter syndrome:
You can also find more PhD advice in episode 17, from six PhD candidates at world-class universities!
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Hosted by William Wadsworth, memory psychologist, independent researcher and study skills coach. I help ambitious students to study smarter, not harder, so they can ace their exams with less work and less stress.
Outsmart Your Exams, my award-winning exam technique book, is available at*
*As an Amazon Associate, we may earn from qualifying purchases, at no extra cost to you. We make these recommendations based on personal experience and because we think they are genuinely helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions received.