If you’re applying for US colleges and universities, or thinking of doing so, then this episode is for you.
I’m talking to college consultant Teri Thompson who is a formidable wealth of information about the vast ecosystem of US colleges. Teri is generously here on the show today to walk us her top college application advice: through the main options in terms of choosing colleges, and how to decide where is right for you to apply.
Learn more about working with Teri at https://www.thompsoncollegeconsulting.com/
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Hosted by William Wadsworth, memory psychologist, independent researcher and study skills coach. I help ambitious students to study smarter, not harder, so they can ace their exams with less work and less stress.
BOOK 1:1 COACHING to supercharge your exam success: https://examstudyexpert.com/workwithme/
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