You spend hours studying. But how much thought do you actually give to the strategies you’ll use as you take your test or exam? Give a little thought to the techniques you’ll follow in the test itself, and you can have a massive impact on your exam results, no...
Podcasts are an amazing resource. Information, advice and entertainment for your commute or chores – straight from the experts to you. And this collection of education podcasts is the perfect resource for educators, learners and parents around the world to...
As an expert study coach, “how to stop procrastinating” (and start studying again!) is one of the topics I get asked about the most. Because, let’s face it, procrastination affects everyone, not just students! So let’s break the procrastination cycle and get you...
Have you ever felt that you really don’t deserve to be where you are – at university, or doing your job? That you only got where you are by accident? And that someday soon, someone will realise you’re just an imposter? Sounds like you’re suffering from “imposter...
The best way to learn is smarter, not harder. And you can easily make that change, today, with these 28 cunning study and exam hacks! With only a few small tweaks to your study habits, you’ll have increased your productivity, improved your memory and streamlined...